Vision, Values, and Objectives

ICA firmly believes that broadband communications is the tool and industry capable of growing and transforming Iowa. Our association is the advocate, catalyst, educator, and resource for Iowa’s community-based broadband providers. We exist to ensure that our members play a crucial role in shaping a connected, empowered, and prosperous future for all residents of Iowa.

ICA is the champion and facilitator for Iowa’s community-based broadband providers.

The Iowa Communications Alliance believes in:
      •  Inspiring Iowa’s community-based broadband providers
      •  Focusing on the needs of our members
      •  Building and conveying trust through strategies, policies and best practices
      •  Positioning the organization to be proactive and innovative
      •  Leading the discussion of broadband communications in Iowa

Key Functions and Objectives
Representation: Serve as the unified voice and advocate for broadband providers across Iowa, advancing their collective interests and promoting a favorable regulatory and policy environment.

Collaboration: Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members, facilitating partnerships and initiatives that drive innovation, efficiency, and excellence in the broadband industry.

Education and Outreach:
Provide resources, training, and educational opportunities to members, policymakers, and the public, raising awareness about the importance of broadband access and promoting digital literacy and inclusion initiatives.

Leadership and Engagement:
Lead the industry forward by promoting best practices, and actively engaging with stakeholders to address challenges and opportunities facing the broadband sector in Iowa.